Para ver esta información en español, por favor visite la página de la conferencia en

Gold-level sponsors:


Silver-level sponsors:

   Doc on Time

   JustSystems Corporation

Bronze-level sponsors:


Conference organizers:

   Atenea Interactiva

   Invinet Sistemes

   Crane Softwrights Ltd.

Supporting organizations:


UBL International 2007 -

1. Sponsorship


A number of sponsorship opportunities are available for UBL International 2007:

We hope to make the symposium free of charge by having sponsors pay the attendance fees directly to the conference hosts. Please indicate your interest in sponsoring UBL International 2007 before August 31, 2007. After the free attendance has been exhausted, the charge for the symposium day will be €100 per attendee.

1.1. Gold sponsors

Section Top


1.2. Silver sponsors

Section Top


1.3. Bronze sponsors:

Section Top


2. Sponsor logo and booth information


The sponsor logo used on the UBL International web site must be submitted correctly sized approximately to the dimensions of the logos above, using a transparent background so that the web site background shows through the unused portions of the logo. Please indicate the web site address to which clicks on the logo are to take the visitor.

The sponsor booths are open only Thursday, the day of the symposium, from before registration until 1 hour after the symposium ends.

A single electrical socket and wireless connectivity (no cable connectivity) is provided.

Booth areas will fit one or two tables and chairs, with more space for gold sponsors than for silver sponsors. There is no provision for hanging materials so self-supporting mechanisms must be brought by the sponsor for their own use.

Please contact UBLInternational (at) if you need to ask more direct questions.

Para ver esta información en español, por favor visite la página de la conferencia en

Anfitrión y co-organizador de la conferencia: Atenea Interactiva

Co-organizador: Subcomité de Localización Español de UBL (por favor, visite el sitio de la conferencia en español para mayor información)

Conference co-organizers: Invinet Sistemes (Spain), Eurobits (Spain), Crane Softwrights Ltd. (Canada).

For information on hosting a UBL International event, please see the hosting details.
Conference management back-end software by expectnation.

Last changed: $Date: 2007/08/30 00:35:51 $(UTC)